

This website hosts translations of posts, articles, and other media by Shaykh Ḥātim al-`Awnī. It is maintained by a group of volunteers. Shaykh Ḥātim is not personally involved in any aspect of its administration.

Use the links above or the menu at the top to navigate to the site’s different sections. The feed below features some of our latest translations.

Read al-Shāfiʿī, Study Literature!

Category: Spirituality Immerse yourself in reading al-Shāfiʿī, for I have never seen anyone like him in increasing one’s intellect! Immerse yourself in the study of literature (adab),and you will see how it enhances your understanding of al-Shāfiʿī! Engage deeply in appreciating literature and in lengthy contemplation of it, in a manner that goes beyond a…

Are Ramadan Lanterns Prohibited?

Category: Fiqh Among the odd fatwas: the prohibition of Ramadan lanterns! These days, fatwas are circulating among people that prohibit the use of these lanterns as an expression of joy for the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan. These fatwas are not based on any knowledge; rather, they rely on an ignorant understanding of…

How to Avoid Narrow-Mindedness and Superficiality

Category: Spirituality A student of sacred knowledge from outside Saudi Arabia contacted me inquiring about the secret behind what he perceives as my “emancipation” from the path of extremism, narrow-mindedness, and superficiality, despite circumstances that, in his opinion, should have defined me. I answered as follows: By the grace and assistance of Allah: Originally published…

Do All Values Deserve Respect?

Category: Society & Politics We don’t beg the West to respect our values, nor will we ever respect values based in moral degeneracy nor the disturbing sexual corruption they practice. For that reason, it is no victory to tell them “Just as we respect your values, you must respect ours.” In reality, we only respect…

The True Gauge of Piety

Category: Spirituality This post was adapted from a translation by Sh. Mohammed Ali Desai. Corroborating chains of transmission collectively establish that ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (رضي الله عنه) said: Let not the humming of a man [as he recites during his night prayer] impress you. Rather, a real man is one who discharges his trusts and…

Rejection Born of Ignorance

Category: Spirituality Your inability — owing to your incompetence — to come to terms with a ḥadīth being authentic, or the opinion of a scholar based on his [juristic] reasoning, or the fairness of a particular Islāmic ruling should not cause you to disassociate from it by claiming that the ḥadīth is weak, or by…

The Devil Among the Angels

Category: Belief / Spirituality Think about it: how did Satan live among the angels before he disobeyed Allāh? He was an obedient worshiper, outwardly similar to the angels. He resembled them in terms of the long prostrations and other acts of external worship he performed, so he was included in Allāh’s command for the angels…


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